IJMC Lewinsky / Kaczynsky, Who Knew?

                 IJMC - Lewinsky / Kaczynsky, Who Knew?

Brief sidenote mostly to the new subscribees...things like that last post 
are rare, I don't usually go off like that. This is much more normal. But 
if you want out, just drop me a line or stop by the IJMC web site, at 
http://www.ijmc.com/ for the Subscription Services. That said...

...for those who don't know Lewinsky and Kaczynsky, either you've been in 
a hole or you're not in America. Both of which aren't bad, but a quick 
information session. Lewinsky is a young female intern who may or may not 
have had sexual relations with the U.S. President. Kaczynsky is called 
the Unibomber for his multiple bombings of various people. He was 
recently caught and since then has received very little press. That's 
all, now read on while I send out the third (and last, for the night) 
post about age...                                                   -dave

Below are the results of a Limerick Contest in which the participants
were required to use the names Lewinsky and Kaczynsky in a limerick.

Contestants' Entries:

Entry # 1
	There once was a gal named Lewinsky
	Who played on a flute like Stravinsky
	'Twas "Hail to the Chief"
	on this flute made of beef
	that stole the front page from Kaczynski.

Entry # 2
	Said Bill Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky
	We don't want to leave clues like Kaczynski,
	Since you look such a mess,
	use the hem of your dress
	And wipe that stuff off of your chinsky.

Entry # 3
	Lewinsky and Clinton have shown
	what Kaczynski must surely have known:
	that an intern is better
	than a bomb in a letter
	when given the choice to be blown.

IJMC July 1998 Archives