IJMC "Dear Pastor" Letters

                    IJMC - "Dear Pastor" Letters     

Ladies and Gentlemen, the International Junk Mail Clearinghouse is back. 
I'm back in the states and almost well rested. I'm going to send out a 
small batch of posts tonight and then one more batch tomorrow, then we're 
going to see how long I can keep to my supposed "one-a-day" schedule. I 
hope everyone has had a happy New Year or any other holiday you may have 
had!                                                                -dave

Dear Pastor, 

I know God loves everybody, but he never met my sister.  

Yours sincerely, 
Arnold (Age 8, Nashville)


Dear Pastor, 

Please say in your sermon that Peter Peterson has been a good boy all
week.  I am Peter Peterson. 

Pete (Age 9, Phoenix)


Dear Pastor, 

I'm sorry I can't leave more money in the plate, but my father didn't give
me a raise in my allowance.  Could you have a sermon about a raise in my

Patty.  (Age 10, New Haven)


Dear Pastor, 

My mother is very religious.  She goes to play bingo at church every week
even if she has a cold. 

Yours truly,
Annette (Age 9, Albany)


Dear Pastor, 

I think a lot more people would come to your church if you moved it to

Loreen (Age 9, Tacoma)


Dear Pastor, 

I hope to go to heaven some day, but later than sooner. 

Ellen (Age 9, Athens)


Dear Pastor, 

Please say a prayer for our Little League team. We need God's help, or a
new pitcher. 

Thank you,  
Alexander (Age 10, Raleigh)


Dear Pastor, 

My father says I should learn the Ten Commandments.  But I don't think I
want to because we have enough rules already in my house. 

Joshua (Age 10, South Pasadena)


Dear Pastor, 

Are there any devils on earth?  I think there may be one in my class.  

Carla (Age 10, Salina)


Dear Pastor, 

How does God know the good people from the bad people?  Do you tell Him or
does He read about it in the newspapers? 

Marie (Age 9, Lewiston)


Dear Pastor, 

I liked your sermon on Sunday.  Especially when it was finished.  

Ralph (Age 11, Akron)


Dear Pastor,

How bound am I by that love, honor, and cherish thing I said ten years
ago? Why do the people you are supposed to admire do such unadmirable
things?  If somebody claims to be a Christian, but doesn't act like it can
I hit them?  If the answer to the last one is yes, will you testify for me
in court?  Do I really have to love my boss?  Is it a sin to love a

Your friend,
Lynne   age #%

IJMC December 1998 Archives