IJMC Ways That E-mail is Better Than Sex?

		IJMC - Ways That E-mail is Better Than Sex?

You know, I'm not so sure they're right about that last one...and there 
is one similarity that ought to be remembered. If you email someone once 
and they enjoy it, the expect you to email them again...           -dave

 Ways that e-mail is better than sex....

 1.  If you have sex, your having sex with all the people they had
 had sex with....and all the people they had sex with.....If you have
 e-mail there's usually a list of everyone that's HAD that e-mail....

 2.  E-mail only gets turned off if you decide to turn it off.

 3.  The Gross adventures of the Brady Bunch can turn you on more than
 sex if your some sort of weirdoo.

 4.  You can do e-mail for hours.....without tiring....

 5. WIth e-mail, IT's not the SIZE of the e-mail that counts....

 6.E-mail has more letters in it than sex.

 7.  If you add an "F" to e-mail its female....if you add an "F" to sex
 its fsex....

 8.  There's no female involved in e-"male".

 9.  E-mail doesn't get mad at you if you press all the right buttons...

 10.  Three words.....More Function Keys....

 11.  You never have to go to a fancy restraunt with some asshole to
 get "the best e-mail" of your life....

 12.  E-mail doesn't care if you spend quality time with it...

 13.  NO ONE NIGHT STANDS....e-mail's always so good you come back for

 14.  You can do e-mail without undressing.....

 15.  With e-mail you automatically start on either second or third
 base.  (and you can do the other two if you really want to)

 16. The words "Popserver" gets you horny....

 17. You don't have to wrap "gopher" in electrical tape to have a good time


 19.  You can always say....."was that e-mail good for you...because
 it was for me...." without being embarassed.

 20.  Typing sound of the computer much more attractive than "ride me
 like a pagan beast, cowboy!".

 21.  Never have to worry about the jealous husband...

 22.  If your e-mail wants to leave you because "It needs more space...",
 HEY LOOK! There's a "SPACE" Key!!!!!

 23.  There's never a lack of good e-mail....Plenty to go around!

 24. Alcohol doesn't make the e-mail any easier! Just funnier!

 25.  No runs! no drips! no errors!

 26. You can get rid of e-mail really easily, and not feel the
     least bit guilty.

 27. Just because you e-mail somebody often, they don't ask
     for a committment.

IJMC November 1995 Archives